Sunday, 13 April 2014

The Big Quiz

HERE'S a challenge for all Darweners - especially the ones who have been around a bit! How well do you know the old place? That's the question being asked by the Friends of Darwen Library who, together with Darwen Days, are currently staging a display of 50 old photos with a twist. A dozen of the photos don't have captions and instead visitors are asked to pay £1 for an entry form and then see if they can answer the questions Who? What" Which? and so on. Some are easy; some need a bit of work. And for some you might need to take granny along to have a close look. Says Harold Heys, FoDL secretary: "There's no chance that anyone will get them all right." Now, there's a challenge!

1 comment :

  1. I had a look in Monday morning. Lot of interest. Tough questions. But I'm only missing four. I'll be back. Name of that postman is a real tough 'un.


Got sommat t'say? Bung yer thoughts above, don't forget to leave your name (if you're not already logged in with an account on the drop down menu) and keep thee language clean Cocker!