Sunday 10 February 2019

Website Overhaul

If you're looking for our Darwen Days website, we're afraid you'll have to be patient as currently we've taken the site down in order to overhaul and update it.

The Darwen Days website has been the same since it was first made in 2012, and since then we've filled the galleries with over 30,000 photos, creating a free historical resource for anyone interested in our much-loved town.

We are aiming to create a whole new version of our website which will have lots of room to cater to our galleries as our collection of photographs grows and plan to launch this officially later on this year. In the meantime, you can find us as always on our Facebook Page, Twitter and Instagram, and email enquiries as always. You can also subscribe to this blog via email using the form on the left, so you will automatically receive any updates directly into your inbox.

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